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Board of Finance Minutes 03/30/2010
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall Meeting Hall.
~Present:~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~Andrew Russell, Christopher Kerr, Janet Sturges, David Woolley
Alternate Members:~ David Kelsey, Judy Read, Maggie Ward

Timothy C. Griswold, Ex-Officio
Nicole Stadjuhar, Finance Director

Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~ Wayne Devoe, H. P. Garvin, III
   ~~~~~~~~~Alternate Members:~  
Guests: Mary Fiorelli, Director, Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library
                John Collins, III, President, Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library
                William Ridgway, Treasurer, Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library
Debra Petke, President, Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts
                Mary Seidner, Director, Lyme Youth Service Bureau
                Sue Jette, Lyme Youth
Skip Sibley, Selectman          
Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman

Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.~ A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kerr to have Mr. Kelsey vote for Mr. Garvin in his absence. A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to have Ms. Read vote for Mr. Devoe in his absence.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to move the Minutes to the end of the meeting.  Motion carried.

 New Business

Senior Center 501(c)(3): Mrs. Stadjuhar explained the 501(c)(3)

Town Hall Phone System:  Mr. Griswold highlighted the telephone system that the Town Hall presently uses, which is antiquated and obsolete.  To obtain parts for it is difficult and expensive.  A Quote was obtained from Sonitrol to upgrade the phone system to a more

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Woolley to approve $9,700 for the Town Hall Phone System, in order to go out to bid for an upgraded phone system for the Town Hall.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 30, 2010

Old Business

Parks and Recreation:  Hains Park Bathroom: At a prior meeting, the Hains Park bathroom and bathhouse renovation was discussed but not voted on.  Therefore, Ms. Read made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kerr to approve up to $15,000 for the Hains Park Bathhouse/bathroom renovations.  Motion carried.

Mr. Russell requested a change in the agenda in order to accommodate this evening’s guests.  Therefore, Mrs. Sturges made a motion, seconded by Mr. Woolley, to add to the PGN Library to the agenda as well as to move LYSB and the Lyme Academy up on the agenda.  Motion carried.

Lyme Youth Service Bureau:  Mrs. Seidner stated that Governor Rell issued her Deficit Mitigation Plan which includes taking $400,000 from the Youth Service Bureau “Enhancement Grant” line item, which means a direct loss of $5,000 to LYSB.  She stated that with the Social Service Director’s medical absence, LYSB readily stepped in to assist the town with the Holiday Giving Program and other family oriented assistance.

Mrs. Sturges made a motion, seconded by Mr. Woolley to allocate $2,000 from the General Fund to cover expenses incurred from the absence of the Social Service Director from this current year.  A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Woolley, to approve an additional $3,000 to increase their allocation from $66,000 to $69,000 for the LYSB budget.  Motion carried.  Mr. Woolley, Mrs. Sturges, Mr. Kelsey and Ms. Read approved the motion. Mr. Kerr opposed the motion.

Lyme Academy of Fine Arts:  Mrs. Petke highlighted the Academy’s budget and the decreases that it has incurred due to economic times.  She explained that their business not only makes an impact on the community but has taken a dramatic cut in PILOT funds.

After discussion, a motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Ms. Read to allocate $5,000 for the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts.  Mr. Woolley, Mr. Kelsey and Mr. Kerr, opposed the motion.  Motion did not carry.

Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library:  Mr. Collins explained the benefits of the PGN Library to the Town.  The Library is requesting $15,000 in additional funds.

A motion was made by Ms. Read, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to increase the Library budget by $15,000 from $240,000 to $255,000.  Mr. Kelsey abstained from the vote and Mr. Kerr opposed the motion. The motion was supported by Mr. Woolley, therefore, motion carried.
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 30, 2010

Memorial Day Parade 2010 and 2011:  There was discussion on the expenses incurred from the Memorial Day Parade.   It was agreed upon by the OLFD and the town started putting aside $2,500 a year, which more than covered the expenses for several years.  However, in the past three years, it has not covered the expenses as now the bands charge to play at the parade.  Last year the expenses were $5,214, leaving the Department to pay out $2,714.  The VFW and the OLFD agree that the remaining funds should not fall upon the responsibility of the Fire Department.  After discussion, it was decided that the Board of Selectmen need to meet with the Fire Department and access the parade expenses and allocate the appropriate funds for future parades.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to increase the Park and Rec Other – Memorial Day line from $2,500 to $4,000 for the parade. Motion was supported by Ms. Read, Mr. Kelsey and Mrs. Sturges.  Mr. Woolley opposed the motion and Mr. Kerr abstained from the vote.  Motion carried.  

Mr. Woolley then made a motion to reduce the Fireworks line by $1,500 from the FY11 budget to go towards the Memorial Day Parade, Ms. Read seconded the motion.  Mr. Kerr opposed the motion. Motion carried.

Sound View Restroom Facility:  Mr. Sibley highlighted an alternative plan for Sound View Parking lot and restroom facilities.  

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Ms. Read to allocate $2,500 for a study for picnic tables and a new parking plan Sound View Restroom facility.  Motion carried.

Other Business

Rogers Lake Budget Request:

Five Year Capital:  The changes to General Government reflect the deletion of the Land Use  - Plan of Development.  New items included $9,700 for the Town Hall upgrade to the phone system and $2,500 for the sound View restroom facility study.  A motion was made was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Kelsey for $158,650 for General Government.  Motion carried.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 30, 2010

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Ms. Read to add Park and Recreation Sound View Facilities to Old Business on the agenda.  Motion carried.

A motion was then made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Ms. Read and passed unanimously to add $6,990 to the Park and Recreation Repairs to Facilities line.  Motion carried.      

Mrs. Stadjuhar detailed the new amount for Total General Government is $7,582,629 and $799,665 for Capital Outlay.   Combined total for General Government and Capital Outlay is $8,382,294 and the Total Budget being $31,134,531.

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Kelsey to add the Flood and Erosion discussion to the Agenda.  Motion carried.

Mr. Woolley explained the water situation at the Sheffield Brook and to consider funding the $19,000, a portion of the engineering study.

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley to add $19,000 to the Flood and Erosion Capital.  There was no second to the motion, therefore, motion died.

Wrap up

Mr. Griswold stated that the new mill rate will be 18.57.  Mr. Russell thanked the board for all their hard work.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 30, 2010

Minutes of March 23, 2010

Minutes of March 23rd were reviewed.  

There being no further corrections, a motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Kerr, and passed unanimously to approve the minutes as written.  Motion carried.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.  

A motion was then made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kerr and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Hayes-Finn